Admark Line-array A2A-A2Sub SET se compune din 6 top-uri line-array active si doua subwoofere active line-array. Top-urile A2A au un difuzor de 10" si doua drivere de 1,75" neodynium, Celesion, made in UK, cu o putere de 600W, iar subwooferele A2 au un difuzor de 18", cu o putere de 800 W si internal DSP. In ambele tipuri de module line-array amplificatoarele sunt de tip D-class. Foarte usor de montat, intreg sistemul importat din China beneficiaza de 2 ani garantie!!
Detalii tehnice:
Tops A2A:active 10" line-array, 1*10"+2*1.75"HF (neodynium, Celestion made in UK ), rated power MF350W/HF150W, amp output power 600W+600W,with built-in DSP.
Subs A2-SUB:active 18" woofer, fly with A2A, rated power 800W, amplifier module output power 1200W @8ohm,2400W@4ohm. WIth built-in DSP.
The advantage of this two system that other companies can not have is that each box (both top and base) is with very good class-D amplifeir module and each box (both top and base) is with DSP.
This way, the single for top can be feed both from base or from mixer directly, which mades it very simple to use.
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