3D Flying & rigging total solution

3D Flying & rigging total solution

Cod produs: 3D Flying & rigging total solution
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3D Flying & rigging total solution reprezinta un setup configurabil la cererea clientului, oferit de magazinul stage-prolighting ca solutie completa pentru ridicare, programare sequentiala si control in entertainment. Aceste sisteme folosite cu succes in teatre, cinematografie, touring (aplicatii mobile), sau instalatii fixe in diverse sali de spectacol au rolul de ridicare programata controlata a entertainerilor, dansatorilor, sau pentru diverse efecte speciale asa cum se poate vedea si din link-ul prezentat in pagina FB a Roaentertainment. Fiind sisteme destul de complicate care presupun un grad ridicat de elemente auxiliare de siguranta si o pregatire temeinica a tehnicienilor care deservesc aceste echipamente, odata cu livrarea echipamentelor comandate vi se vor indica posibilitatile de acces la cursurile de pregatire privind operarea acestora, precum si un curs de instruire privind programarea in sine cu softul dedicat.

Roaentertainment Network nu-si asuma nicio responsabilitate in calitate de furnizor in eventualitatea operarii defectuoase de catre Beneficiar a acestor sisteme. Importul echipamentelor se face din UK, numai cu pre-comanda si plata integral anticipat, iar garantia oferita echipamentelor comandate este cea oferita de producatori. Nu se comercializeaza astfel de echipamente second-hand, ci numai noi. Folosirea unor astfel de echipamente intr-un show ridica mult valoarea spectacolului, efectele de scena realizate te lasa (ca spectator) impresionat de profesionalismul punerii in scena. Teoretic, orice teatru, sau sala de spectacol trebuie dotata cu astfel de echipamente, dand posibilitatea regizorilor sa foloseasca efecte speciale grandioase. Exista solutii practice pentru orice buget. Evident insa, solutiile tehnice care presupun ridicari complexe tip 3 D sunt mai costisitoare, dar si efectul obtinut este mult sporit.

Prezentare de principiu a catorva echipamente de acest gen, detalii tehnice, solutii:

Zero Fleet Performer Winch (for 2D or 3D flight)

The Performer Winch from Hoist UK offers smooth, quiet, fast and reliable operation and is one of the most versatile winches in the market today.

In its standard configuration the Performer Winch is ideal for single line pendulum flying, 2D bridled flying using two winches or 3D bridled flying using four winches.

The Performer Winch is designed and manufactured in the United Kingdom and complies with the mechanical requirements of British Standards BS7905 & 6 and the German Standard BGV C1.

The Performer Winch from Hoist UK in its standard configuration is a perfect solution for aerial performance or for single point lifting in theatre (point hoist on a grid for example).

When used in a track system the same winch can be reconfigured to have two ropes for traversing with the lead on and lead off pulleys being mounted on the same lead screw, making a significant reduction in the stock you need to keep in house to give maximum flexibility to your hire fleet.

Winch Configuration:

  • Safe Working Load: 100kgs
  • Other SWL's available on request
  • Zero fleet angle offered on all units
  • Compact design
  • Robust and lightweight construction
  • Mechanical design factor of 10:1
  • Standard drum capacity of 20m
  • Other drum capacities available
  • Standard variable speed of 0 - 2m/sec
  • Other speeds available up to 4m/sec
  • Four position limit switches (inc security)
  • Incremental encoder fitted to the motor
  • Absolute encoder fitted to the drum
  • Fitted with double brake unit 
  • Brake virtually silent in operation
  • Rope Pressure roller fitted
  • Optional diverter and flag pulleys available
  • Steel Wire Rope is 5mm as standard, 
  • Other drums available for 4mm & 6mm SWR
  • Floor, grid and truss mountable
  • 415V 3 Phase supply as standard
  • Other voltages available on request

The Performer Winch from Hoist UK has been designed for use with our Raynok Motion Control System (by Niscon Inc).

 SceneControl 500 is a state of the art winch motion control system complete with 3D visualisation for your performance space. An accurate display of your theatre lets you easily select the sets / bars you want to control on the touch screen. The user friendly interface allows you to develop simple or elaborate cues and to modify them to match the flow of actual performance.- JR Clancy

SceneControl 500 controller has the following features:

  • 3D display of your performance space
  • Unlimited number of winches
  • 999 cues or presets
  • Twin playbacks for complex moves
  • Joysticks for cue adjustment
  • Group winches for synchronised operation
  • Adjustable desktop height for operator
  • Industrial grade components for reliability
  • Optional hand held remote available

Raynok - R3D Flying Software

Niscon Inc. is proud to announce new developments in 3D coordinated motion for stage flight.

Nisco Inc. took the time to interview operators, technical managers and flight choreographers to find out what they need to make their jobs simpler and their rehearsal time more effective.

The result is the software module we call R3D. A sophisticated yet simple approach to programming that allows the operator to create flight paths using a joystick, record the flight path as a cue, adjust and modify it and then save and playback the profile.

You can now create and control the most complex movement of 3D coordinated motion for stage flight. Sophisticated programming makes it possible. WYSIWYG makes it easy.

Additional software features allow the operator to ‘GO TO’ specific points on the path by selecting the point and with a right click of the mouse automatically create the necessary profile to send the load object to the specified point in 3D space. 

Raynok uses a simple 3D viewer to illustrate the flight path to the operator so as to minimize processor time and power requirements.

To achieve greater depth of understanding through the use of 3D pre-visualization, Niscon Inc. has partnered with CAST Software, as a Registered WYSIWYG Developer (RWD), to help inspire new features and functions within WYSIWYG.

CAST Software developers continue to astound us with their talent and foresight as they break new ground with motion and live object tracking.

Niscon Inc. has chosen WYSIWYG as our 3D pre-visualization tool for the purpose of cueing the production prior to scenery making it to stage.  We launched our first use of the concept successfully with Walt Disney Theatrical’s “The Little Mermaid” on Broadway in 2007.

R3D can also create spectacular effects flying scenic elements with 3 dimensional precision.  With R3D you can maneuver lighting trusses or scenic dressings on 2, 3, 4, 5, 10… whatever number of hoists you desire all with the same software and all configurable by trained end users.

R3D is so simple to use your crew will become confident after just a few hours of training, giving them the power to build cues and work with the creative team directly

Raynok - MK2 Console

The MK2 runs the same intuitive and reliable Raynok software that our operators have come to appreciate, in a more compact and feature rich package.

Features of the MK2 Console:

  • MS Windows Operating System
  • Dual processors with live backup
  • Solid state hard drive
  • Redundant power supplies
  • Built in pointing device 
  • 24” TFT HDMI monitor
  • Full function keyboard
  • USB ports for peripherals
  • Optional HTR (Hold To Run) handle
  • Fully Integrated Emergency Stop System
  • Twenty four user programmable buttons
  • All button presses monitored and archived
  • Encoder wheel for speed scaling in motion
  • Onboard joystick for jogging
  • Multiple network ports
  • 2 x 18” Littlelite 3-pin XLR task lamps
  • Sleek, ergonomic design

Zero Fleet Performer Winch (Pendulum Configuration)

The Performer Winch from Hoist UK offers smooth, quiet, fast and reliable operation and is one of the most versatile winches in the market today.

In this standard configuration the Performer Winch is ideal for single line pendulum flying with its built in fairlead set.

The Performer Winch is designed and manufactured in the United Kingdom and complies with the mechanical requirements of British Standards BS7905 & 6 and the German Standard BGV C1.

The Performer Winch from Hoist UK in its standard configuration is a perfect solution for aerial performance or for single point lifting in theatre (point hoist on a grid for example).

The unit can be used in a track system and the same winch can be reconfigured to have two ropes for traversing with the lead on and lead off pulleys being mounted on the same lead screw, making a significant reduction in the stock you need to keep in house to give maximum flexibility to your hire fleet.

Winch Configuration:

  • Safe Working Load: 100kgs
  • Other SWL's available on request
  • Zero fleet angle offered on all units
  • Compact design
  • Built in drop pulley and fairlead set
  • Robust and lightweight construction
  • Mechanical design factor of 10:1
  • Standard drum capacity of 20m
  • Other drum capacities available
  • Standard variable speed of 0 - 2m/sec
  • Other speeds available up to 4m/sec
  • Four position limit switches (inc security)
  • Incremental encoder (if required)
  • Absolute encoder (if required)
  • Fitted with double brake unit 
  • Brake virtually silent in operation
  • Rope Pressure roller fitted
  • Optional diverter and flag pulleys available
  • Steel Wire Rope is 5mm as standard, 
  • Other drums available for 4mm & 6mm SWR
  • Floor, grid and truss mountable
  • Housed in wheeled dolly for touring
  • 415V 3 Phase supply as standard
  • Other voltages available on request
  • Basic control options available


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