MS-BY7010 MINI BEE EYE moving head (SET)

Producător: MarsLite
Cod produs: MS-BY7010 MINI BEE (SET) EYE moving head
Disponibilitate: In Stoc
Acest produs are o cantitate minimă de comandat de 2
4.986,00 RON TVA inclus
Pret: 977,26€
VAT Incl.


Moving Head de la MarsLite, cu cateva caracteristici intalnite numai la acest tip de cap rotativ: efect Vortex (rotire infinita), control individual pe fiecare LED in parte. Avand 7 LED-uri de mare eficienta de 10W fiecare, acest moving head creeaza efecte spectaculoase. Garantia oferita produsului este de 2 ani! Import recent Hong Kong. Se vand numai cate doua bucati cu hard case dedicat pentru protectia la transport. Ideale nu numai pentru scena si ringul de dans, dar si pentru cluburi, discoteci, sali de spectacol. Beam-ul poate fi si individual/color, cat si comasat, caz in care este extrem de puternic. Pretul afisat este pentru 2 bucati, inclusiv hard case dedicat. Pachet promotional!

1.Voltage: AC90-240V  50-60Hz 

2.Power: 90W

3.Led source: 7pcs high brightness 10W CREE white LEDs

4.Beam angle: 5-40°

5.Strobe: 1-25 Hz

6.Dimmer: 0-100% linear dimmer with 16 bit without strobe

7.Pan: 540°+ fine

8.Tilt: 250°+ fine

9.Color:  With a RGB color wheel to create colorful effect, with running water effect

10.Channel: 7CH and 12CH

11.Control: DMX512/Master-slave/Auto/Sound activated 



          1. Strong beam light effect, beam angle is optional, beam light with macro effect.

          2. Each bulb is controllable, with racing light effect.

          3. B-eye designed Lens can rotate without limitation to create dynamic and amazing effect. 7 LEDS can create 14 dynamic/coloful beams or gather to one strong beam.  

          4. Perfect beam light and effect light for disco, club, show, etc.  

          5. Smaller size but excellent effect to make installation as easy as you can imagine.

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