YAMAHA DTX-MULTI 12 Digital Sampling Pad

Producător: Yamaha
Cod produs: YAMAHA DTX-MULTI 12 Digital Sampling Pad
Disponibilitate: In Stoc
2.424,00 RON TVA inclus
Pret: 475,10€
VAT Incl.


Cel mai versatil digital sampling pad provine de la Yamaha. Acest multi pad are urmatoarele caracteristici definitorii care il deosebesc de celelalte produse concurente:

1. Poate fi utilizat atat cu betele de toba, cu palmele si cu degetele, ceea ce-l face interesant nu numai pentru percutionisti si drum-eri, dar si pentru DJ, keyboarderi, etc.

2. Beneficiaza de 12 pad-uri care pot fi extise cu pad-uri suplimentare, HH pedal si BD pedal.

3. Ca sampler, poate fi orcand incarcat cu propriile tale sunete.

4. Seturile presetate sunt absolut fantastice si acopera toata gama de instrumente de percutie, iar kit-urile de tobe pot fi configurate oricand, oricum. Un "must have" pentru orice instrumentist care se respecta, extrem de util, rezistent si foarte bine gandit de producator.

Importat din Germania, produsul extrem de fiabil beneficiaza de o garantie de 3 ani.

The DTXM12 Multi Pad features premium quality sounds from the DTXTREME and Motif series. It´s a perfect addition to any kind of acoustic set, but you can play it as stand-alone kit with hihat and kickpad, too. The Digital Percussion Multipad DTX-MULTI 12 from Yamaha is extremely versatile in terms of functions and sound and thus for every style of music a real asset. It can be easily integrated into a variety of areas - whether as an extension to an acoustic drum or percussion setup, as an additional Multi Pad in E-Drum, an allround drum and sample tool in (home) studio or as a stand-alone version, the DTX-MULTI 12 Digital Drum Pad makes in really every situation a good figure.

The use of the YAMAHA Multi Pad DTXM-12

The DTX-MULTI 12 is equipped with 12 trigger pads, which due to their shape and arrangement, even under bad conditions such as on a dark stage, well distinguished from each other. All functions can be controlled with a clear and simple user interface designed, the backlit LCD display provides information on the settings made. Through various connections, the DTX-MULTI 12 Percussion Pad can be quickly and easily connected to other equipment such as computers and amplifiers.

Trigger Pads of the YAMAHA Multi Pad DTXM-12

The user can choose from 12 trigger pads which are equipped with an extremely sensitive and dynamic response. Played with the fingers, sticks or palms/hands, the 12-DTXM sounds like having a natural attack. The DTX-MULTI 12 distinguishes between 3 different graduations: the most sensitive react the pads in the finger mode, the next stage is the hands mode, and the last and least sensitive stage is the Stick mode. By holding down one pad, or alternatively by kicking an optional foot pedal, can also affect the sound. The muting function obtains a muffling the sounds by holding down the pad. You can selected the sounds from a pool of 1061 prerecorded drum and percussion sounds as 216 keyboard sounds. In order to change or adjust the sounds, the user can use numerous effects and save the results for later use comfortably. Due to the robust construction and the rapid modification possibility, the DTXM-12 is also ideal for studio recording or live performances.

Expand and complete the YAMAHA Multi Pad DTXM-12

In addition to the 12 trigger pads, the DTX-MULTI 12 Percussion Pad provides further options to trigger additional instruments to join. Thus, e.g. a kick pedal and hi-hat controller (not included!) can be connected and the DTX-MULTI 12 pad will function as a stand-alone complete mini kit. Alternatively, the additional ports can be used for various footswitches for example, to switch between drum kits or adjust volume and effect parameters.

YAMAHA Multipad DTXM-12 Features

  • 12 dynamic drum pads (stick-, hand-, and finger mode)
  • 5 external Inputs
  • 200 user- and 50 preset drumkits
  • 1277 voices
  • Cubase AI included!


  • Manufacturer: Yamaha
  • Number of Drum Kits: 50
  • Number of Sounds: 1,277
  • Recording Function: Yes
  • Compressor: Yes
  • Internal Effects: Yes
  • Number of Percussion Sounds: 1,061
  • Number of Preset Patterns: 50
  • Number of User Patterns: 200
  • Display: Yes
  • USB Memory Song Player: Yes
  • Master Out: Yes
  • Number of Direct Outs: 4
  • Digital Output: Yes
  • Headphone Connection: 6,3mm
  • Foot Switch Connection: Yes
  • Integrated Metronome: Yes


Das Digital Percussion Multipad DTX-MULTI 12 von Yamaha ist extrem vielseitig in Sachen Funktionen und Sound und dadurch für jeden Musikstil eine echte Bereicherung. Es lässt sich ohne großen Aufwand in die verschiedensten Bereiche integrieren - ob als Erweiterung für ein Akustik- Drum- oder Percussion Setup, als zusätzliches Multi Pad im E-Drum, als Allround Drum- und Sample Tool im (Home-) Studio oder als Stand-Alone Version, das DTX-MULTI 12 Digital Drum Pad macht in wirklich jeder Situation eine gute Figur.

YAMAHA Multipad DTXM-12 Features

  • 12 dynamische Pads (Stick-, Hand-, und Finger Mode)
  • 5 externe Inputs
  • 64MB Wave Memory
  • 3 weitere Pads oder Pedale anschließbar
  • Eigene Samples auf Stick oder Festplatte per USB speicherbar
  • Voll im Setup integrierbar mit MAT1 Halteplatte
  • Cubase AI im Lieferumfang enthalten


  • Hersteller: Yamaha
  • Anzahl Drumkits: 50
  • Anzahl Sounds: 1.277
  • Recording Funktion: Ja
  • Kompressor: Ja
  • interne Effekte: Ja
  • Anzahl Percussion Sounds: 1.061
  • Anzahl Preset Patterns: 50
  • Anzahl User Patterns: 200
  • Display: Ja
  • USB Memory Song Player: Ja
  • Master Out: Ja
  • Anzahl Direct Out: 4
  • Digital Output: Ja
  • Kopfhöreranschluss: 6,3mm
  • Foot Switch Anschluss: Ja
  • integriertes Metronom: Ja

Dem Spieler stehen 12 Triggerpads zur Verfügung, die über eine äußerst sensible und dynamische Ansprache verfügen. Mit den Fingern, Sticks oder Handflächen gespielt, gibt das DTXM-12 alle Anschläge realgetreu wieder. Durch das gedrückt halten eines Pads oder alternativ durch das Treten eines optionalen Fußpedals lässt sich zusätzlich der Sound beeinflussen. Gewählt werden die Sounds aus einem Fundus von 1061 vorgespeicherten Drum- und Percussion Sounds so wie 216 Keyboardsounds. Zur Veränderung oder Anpassung der Sounds kann der Spieler sich zahlreicher Effekte bedienen und die Ergebnisse komfortabel zur späteren Verwendung abspeichern. Aufgrund der robusten Bauweise und der schnellen Modifikationsmöglichkeit eignet sich das DTXM-12 auch hervorragend für Aufnahmen im Studio oder bei Live-Auftritten.

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