Un set complet de lumini pentru DJ, miniBand, entertaineri. Se compune din 8 Par LED, fiecare avand 7LED-uri RGB de cate 3 W fiecare, deci un par are 21 TriparLED W cu niste culori superbe. Cate 4 Par sunt prinse de cate o bara DMX dedicata de care este atasat si multi pedal controlerul manual aferentt fiecarei bare DMX, dar intregul sistem poate fi perfect controlabil si prin DMX consola, sau sofware in 6 modalitati diferite. De asemenea sistemul are incluse si cele doua genti dedicate transportului, cate una pentru fiecare bara DMX in parte, fiind foarte usor si rapid de instalat. Intregul sistem dezvolta 168 W LED, fiind practic suficient pentru un eveniment mediu normal. Barile pot fi fixate far probleme pe orice stativ de lumini, sau boxe (neincluse in pachet), dar pot fi comandate optional si acestea. Importat din Germania, setul de lumini prezentat beneficiaza de o garantie de 3 ani!!! O optiune excelenta sub raportul calitate/pret si eficienta in exploatare.
Stairville CLB4 Compact Tri LED Par 4 TRIPAR, 4x 21W RGB. The CLB4 is the New Version of the Stage-prolighting TRI LED Bundle and sets new standards in terms of size and luminous quality. The bar is fitted with 4 LED spots (each 7x3 W RGB LEDs), and offers countless effects for bands, DJs, entertainers, artists, theaters, clubs and bars, etc., cm. The extremely small, width of only 68 cm enables the CLB4 to take a very small space and fits on any stage, and especially for transportation, takes very little space indeed. Because of the many control options the CLB4 is designed for both beginners and, professionals. Via the optional foot controller (279058) which can control all internal programs and sound-to-light, blackout, and freeze modes too. In addition, 6 different DMX modes for control via any standard DMX controller can be selected., The improved TRI Color LEDs are a lot brighter and colourful and provide a particularly uniform illumination., Specifications/bar: Light source: 28 pcs 3W TriColor stage-prolighting LEDs with RGB colour mixing, 4 positionable single headlamps, angle, 40 °, Control: DMX-512 (7 different modes), stand alone, sound control, master / slave, foot controller (optional # 279058 ), IR remote control (optional #)354223 XLR input and output: set to 3 pin XLR, display with 4 buttons on the functions, power supply: AC 100V-240V, 50/60 Hz,, max. Power consumption 86 watts, power supply: IEC input and output, tripod adapter: 36 mm flange, Dimensions:, 682 x 270 x 60 mm, weight 5,4 kg, stand sold separately # 287838, incl. Transporting bag
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