Stairville DMX-Master MK II ENC

Stairville DMX-Master MK II ENC

Cod produs: Stairville DMX-Master MK II ENC
Disponibilitate: In Stoc
639,60 RON TVA inclus
Pret: 125,36€
VAT Incl.


Controler si programator DMX, cu urmatoarele caracteristici:

Stairville DMX-Master MK II ENC DMX Controller - up to 12 fixtures, 16 channels per fixture, 30 banks of 8 programmable scenes for a total of 240 scenes, 192 channels DMX control, programmable scenes and chasers, 19", DMX output: 3-pin female XLR. Size: 19" x 133mm x 76mm. Weight: 2.3kg

Fiind un produs importat din Germania, garantia oferita este de 3 ani!!!

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